Saturday, August 31, 2013

Buster's Life on the Farm- The Cats

Life is still good for Buster and his friends on the little farm. Willow has eased in nicely and doesn't cause Buster too much trouble. Willow likes to talk too much, but in the Spring/Summer months Buster gets a break from her. Spring/Summer is when the farmer's daughter puts Willow in a smaller pasture closer to the house so she can ride her. Buster doesn't mind, because then that means the farmer's daughter can come visit him without the horse getting in the way. Wrangler, the family dog had heard the farmer and his wife discussing all the mice running around the property. He heard them mention about getting some cats. Wrangler wasn't too happy about that. All he could think of was the cats taking over his doghouse, crawling on him and swatting at hime. He is an old dog and likes the way the farm is already. Buster yelled for Wrangler to ask what is new. Wrangler informed him about the cats. Buster wasn't too worried as long as the cats didn't run around his feet. One Saturday the farmer's wife and daughter left for town and came back with a strange box in the car. The box had holes in it. The farmer's wife took the box our of the car and the farmer's daughter opened it. Out came a calico cat and orange kitten. Wrangler, who is usually at the farmer's wife's feet didn't bother to go check them out. He knew he was in for a change on the farm. The farmer's daughter walked the cat and kitten over to the pasture where they could meet the other animals. The farmer's daughter introduced them as Houdini, the momma cat and Cosmo, the orange kitten. Houdini and Cosmo weren't sure where to go, so they followed the little girl around the yard. She took them to see her rabbit, Rabbi and down to the creek. The farmer's wife set up a nice little bed and food area for them on top of the hay, so Wrangler wouldn't bother them. The farmer's daughter did try to introduce them to Wrangler, but Houdini and Cosmo weren't too sure about dogs. It got to be close to dinner time, so the farmer's daughter lead both cats up the hay stack to where their bed and food was. She gave them each a kiss and hug. Then told them "I love you my kitties, your home now." The farmer's daughter climbed off the hay and walked over to Wrangler and gave him even a better hug and kiss. She told him he was the best dog ever. Wrangler smiled and went off to do his daily duties as the family dog.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Day on the Farm with Brigid & Jocelyn

In Oregon there is a little town called Parkdale and in that town there are two sisters named Brigid and Jocelyn. Brigid and Jocelyn live on a small farm. On that farm they have cows, a donkey, a dog, 3 cats, and a rabbit. Their Mom and Dada work hard to keep their farm growing. One way the farm grows is with Spring calves. The firls love to see the calves run and play around in the field. The girls always name the calves too. Today was a special day, because there was a new calf born last night. "Daddy take us out to the new baby calf," said Brigid.
"Please Daddy please," Jocelyn begged, "calf Daddy calf!"
"Okay," replied Daddy.
They loaded up in Old Brown and off they went into the field.

"There she is," said Daddy, "doesn't she look pretty!"
The girls went over to look at the new baby. She was all black like her momma and was nursing away.
"She's so pretty Daddy," Jocelyn said with excitement.
"Looks like she'll be a nice strong calf," Brigid said, "What should we name her?"
"Well it's Jocelyn turn to name a calf, " replied Daddy.

"Well Jocelyn," Brigid said, "What ya going to name her?"
"Princess!" yelled Jocelyn with such joy it startled the calf.
"Princess it is," replied Daddy.


*I do have pictures for this story but am unable to download them

Friday, April 1, 2011

Buster's Life on the Farm-The New Arrival

On a small farm in little Parkdale, Oregon there is a cute little burro named Buster. Buster has a pretty good life for a burro on this farm. He has most of the pasture to himself except sharing it with two cows, Mamma Moo and Angeline. Also the owner's little firl comes out everyday to give him treats and to play with him. The family dog, Wrangler comes out to visit once in awhile to fill Buster in with all the happenings in the house. On this particular day in November there was a rumor going around the farm that a new animal would b joining them out in the pasture. The cows were hoping for a new cow, of course. Buster didn't care as long as it left him alone.  Buster likes to keep to himself sometimes. The farmer, his wife and their little girl headed off early in the morning with the truck and trailer. It was getting to be the afternoon and all the animals were wondering where the farmer and his family went. The cows started to get nervous and asked Buster about the situation. Buster wasn't nervous, but called for the family dog Wrangler to see if he knew anything more. Wrangler having free range of the whole farm knew more about what goes on than Buster, but Wrangler does keep him informed. Wrangler said that he heard the farmer would have to drive almost two hours to pick up the new animal. Buster also asked in Wrangler knew what kind of animal they were bringing home. The cows came closer, so they could also hear. Wrangler said the farmer's daughter was excited about getting a "horse", so he believes a "horse' is whats coming home. Wrangler and Buster know what  horses are, but not the cows. Buster told the cows that they are animals like him, but with smaller ears, better man and tail and also taller. The cows didn't seem too nervous now, they figured if it is like Buster how bad could the animal be. Buster wasn't too sure about this horse thing. Before dinner came around the truck and trailer puller in the driveway. All the animals ran up to the fence to see what the farmer actually got. The farmer's wife walked in the trailer and lead out a grey horse. The farmer's wife took the horse into the pasture to meet the other animals. The farmer's daughter followed. The farmer's daughter introduced the horse as Willow. Willow is an older grey mare with still some spunk. She stretched out to sniff Buster, but Buster wasn't getting any closer. The farmer's wife took the halter and lead off Willow, so she could eat with the rest of the animals. The farmer's daughter gave Willow a hug and kiss and walked her over to the food. Buster was a little worried that the farmer's daughter wouldn't love him as much with this new horse. As Buster was thinking that, the farmer's daughter walked over to him, gave him a hug and whispered in his long furry ears, "Your still my favorite and I love you my Buster."

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Adventure of Brigid and Buster

In Oregon there is a small town called Parkdale and in that town there is a small farm. On that farm there is a little girl named Brigid and her best friend, Buster. Buster is a very special friend to Brigid. Brigid's family took Buster in when he needed a home and he and Brigid bonded immediately. What also makes Buster special is that he is a little burro. Brigid and Buster would walk all over the farm looking for new adventures and sometimes get into mishaps on their way. As usual, Brigid came home after school and Buster would greet her. He was all excited that she was home, because that met they could start their daily adventure. Brigid ran in the house and asked her mom if she could go out and play with Buster. Her mom answered with "yes", but to come in when the dinner bell rang. Brigid put her boots on and ran outside. Buster met her at the gate and off they headed out in the field. Today, Brigid and Buster were walking the west side of the farm when they noticed how tall all the brush was going down to the swamp. As Brigid and Buster were walking through the brush and it became a jungle. Brigid and Buster were like Indiana Jones looking for the "Precious Stone" that was hidden somewhere in the jungle. Armed with their machetes they went further into the jungle. All of a sudden they came upon a small tribe that didn't like that Brigid and Buster were in their jungle. The tribe was called Cowstec and shot at Brigid and Buster with their powerful weapons of cud. Brigid and Buster dodged to miss the Cowstec's powerful bullets of cud. Brigid and Buster came to the swamp and saw on the otherside how beautiful it was and there they would find the Precious Stone. At last there was a problem, the swamp was so muggy that neither Brigid nor Buster could cross. Buster looked at Brigid with defeat in his eyes and said "We can't get across". Brigid didn't feel that way. She sized up the area to look for a way to cross. Brigid saw vines hanging from the rees and told Buster to grab one and swing across. Brigid and Buster swung across the swamp on the vines. Now on the ground, they needed to find the Precious Stone. The sun was going down and Brigid knew she needed to hurry, because you could only see the Precious Stone in the daylight. Brigid and Buster walked through the beautiful green grass and was getting closer and closer to the Precious Stone. They were coming to a big tree when the Stone Keeper, Willow came out from behind it. Willow asked, "What are you doing in the valley of the Precious Stone?" Brigid said, "Buster and I want the Precious Stone for our collection." Willow said, "The Precious Stone can never leave the valley, for the valley would become a swamp if you did." Brigid and Buster were saddened, because of what would happen if they took the stone. Brigid was also saddened because it is such a beautiful stone and she wanted to take it home. Just them the dinner bell rang and Brigid had to head back home. With that, the jungle became the field once again. Brigid patter Willow the horse on the neck and off her and Buster went to the house. On there way they past Mama Moo and Angeline the cows. Brigid and Buster got to the gate and before she left Buster in the pasture she turned around and said "Thanks for another great adventure Buster, till next time!" And with that she gave him a treat and hug and went in the house for dinner. THE END